Yes, just in case you were wondering, it does a constitute a sex act if you pay someone $20 to expose herself. Even if she's in the act of preparing a mochachino with extra foam. But let's not get bogged down in the legal aspects of this kind of entertainment. Should these ladies be criticized for being creative in their means of presentation? When baristas are licking whip cream off of each other, they're just convincing customers of the tastiness of whip cream and its multiple uses. When they offer to play "basketball" (allowing men to throw wadded-up money into their underpants), how is this any different than a carnival game at a state fair? And honestly, shouldn't the Everett Police be more concerned about the kind of prostitution that involves sexual intercourse? The officers probably figured this would be easier and more fun to investigate than going after the pimps.
"Okay, one more whip cream show just to make sure what they're doing is wrong. We just need a little more evidence."
According to KOMO News' Michelle Esteban, customers could order a "special show with their cup of joe" if they specified a "20 oz. latte." This seems like a stupid codeword to me. What if I really wanted a 20 oz. latte and nothing else? Or am I supposed to wink twice at the end of my order, so they know what I'm talking about?
I appreciate the comment left by a reader on the Everett Herald website: "Difficult to make a decision regarding this story: I believe that barista pictures would help the reader's understanding immensely."
Hopefully the above photo will help all of you make an informed decision. I vote YES.
How about police find something other than prostitution in general (not just at coffee stands) to prosecute? Where is the victim in that crime? And finally, how come all of the riske coffee stands are so far away, where's the love on the east side?