Below is a list I gave to my soon-to-be-married cousin for her bridal shower. In a few weeks, I will be joining her and my family in Italy for the marriage ceremony (the Camel leads a tough life, I know). These pieces of advice were not meant to enlighten her or impart wisdom. Asking me for relationship advice is like asking a kitten how to replace a timing belt.
I'm still not sure how this whole partnership thing works. For what it's worth, here are my helpful pointers:
- Listen attentively to your spouse.
- Take a lesson from our nation’s two-party system. Filibusters don’t get you anywhere. Compromises get you Medicare and national parks.
- Take turns making meals.
- Take cues from your spirit animal. If you’re a dolphin, swim around difficulty. If you’re a rabbit, hop over adversity. If you’re a large smelly walrus, you might want to rethink your choice of spirit animal.
- Birthdays and anniversaries are obviously important dates to remember. But it’s fun to celebrate unexpectedly, too. So when you’ve prepared a fun evening for your partner and s/he asks you “What’s the occasion?” you just say, “Because this date marks the end of the Franco-Prussian War and because I love you” (nobody knows the exact date, not even Kaiser Wilhelm knew for sure).
- Never use sports analogies when discussing your relationship, and don’t take steroids.
- There are certain qualities about your mate that you will always admire and cherish. All other things are subject to change. Be understanding of these changes.
- Notes, letters and cards are still nice to give and receive, even when you live together.
- Shouldn’t have to tell you this, but travel every so often. Three-day weekends are rad.
- A simple yet profound saying from “The Care Bears” cartoon: Sharing is caring.
Just for you:
There is nothing wrong with my timing belt, but is that kitten qualified to do any other auto repair?