---A frail old woman refused to order a large print edition of a book. (Am I really supposed to believe that she has perfect vision? Will reading it with normal sized print really enhance the reading experience?)
---A middle-aged woman exhibited anger when she couldn't find the nutritional guide at Wendy's. (What is she doing at a Wendy's if she wants to eat healthy?)
---An elderly woman on the phone expressed disbelief that she couldn't request a book that won't be released for four months. (The public library does not own a time machine. We do carry the book by H.G. Wells.)
What is the common denominator here?
These people are all OLD* and ACTING IRRATIONALLY.
*Let's ignore for the time being that they are all women.
Elderly people of the United States, I ask you to stop being picky and start being reasonable. When you get up from your hospital/hospice beds each morning, you need to take a deep breath and realize that your brain is slowly deteriorating. Given the fact that your mind is not working as quickly as other people, you should take some extra time to ponder the consequences of your actions. How will paying for postage stamps with a large jar of pennies affect those around you (including the already disgruntled postal employee who probably has a gun holstered near his ankle)? Will arguing about an expired coupon with a grocery clerk benefit anybody (especially the person who is waiting patiently in line to buy a single pack of gum)?
We understand that you're lonely and possibly widowed and just want someone to hear your opinion (that's what pets are for) without rolling their eyes (although I've been told that lemurs and ferrets roll their eyes on occasion, so stick with dogs and cats). But you need to pull yourself together.
When you make a decision or speak your thoughts, think about what the 1951 Ronald Reagan would do (take an acting part in the movie "Bedtime for Bonzo" with a chimpanzee co-star). Do not take cues from the 1987 Ronald Reagan (deny the Iran Contra scandal and yell angrily like a crotchety old man at a block of cement, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!")
Finally you're coming around what I have been saying for years. Old people belong in hospitals. See what happens when you let them out? Further, these are only the people you run into in the library. Just imagine what kind of damage they can reap in the real world (like Starbucks and The Gap).